Introducing Luke Schultz - Cyclist
My wife battled through cancer a few years ago, although it's not MND, I can relate to the helplessness you feel when someone you love is going through something awful and out of your control. I want to do whatever I can to not have other people have to go through that. Raising awareness so we can raise money to fund research to beat MND is the way to do it. When my wife mentioned that Gordon Corry at her work was looking for an extra body to cycle a really long way to raise funds and awareness for MND, I thought ‘sign me up’! Without funding there's no research and without research there is no cure. So I'd say it's the most important thing non-scientists can do.
Introducing Gordon Corry - Cyclist
The dedication of the team to make this happen for a shared cause is inspirational. There’s been a lot to overcome in planning and the team have planned all of this in their own time and largely at their own expense. Training has been tough, on the roads or on the gravel at 0630 in storms and freezing conditions (think -6C has been our lowest so far), or on the turbo in the garage while everyone else is asleep. But the message is always the same – whatever we come up against, it won’t be as bad as what the people that are diagnosed with MND will go through; so we do what we do so hopefully we can get to that cure a bit sooner.
Introducing Mr Happiness is Egg Shaped - Bruce Aitchison
Rugby has been good to me, I played, coached, I announce, commentate... I love to speak at dinners, I host events and spend too much time on Social Media. I created Happiness is Egg Shaped and I host the Happiness is... Podcast. Doddie was a hero, friend and mentor. I owe him a lot. Ultimately, I want more people to be motivated to help, more money raised to support families and support the scientists to find treatment and a cure – and that I make it to Rome...!
Introducing Our Cameraman, who also cycles - Carwyn Dafydd
I was very lucky to be offered the chance to take part in this awesome event by Cwmni Da's MD, Llion Iwan (who had been speaking to Wyn and Rob Boyns about it) and I jumped at the chance. The plan is to be riding with one of the pods every day and to document the journey on camera.
Introducing Support Team Member - Phil Calvert
Back in 2018 I ran 52 marathons, in 52 weeks for the big fella. This event (All Roads Lead to Rome) is the kind of crazy stuff that would put a smile on his face, so I am delighted to get involved. Hopefully we can raise millions to find a cure and to support those families living with loved ones that are suffering with this devastating illness.
Introducing Dave Edwards - Cyclist
I was delighted to be invited to join the Welsh team by Team Captain Rob, who I played rugby with for many years at Ruthin Rugby Club, having cycled a small leg of the Cardiff to Edinburgh ride last year, for such a tremendous cause. When you meet the really brave people who have MND you realise how lucky you are to be able to take on challenges like this. Ultimately, we want to raise the maximum amount of funds we can, and to join a bunch of people who are committed to physical challenges but also enjoy the banter along the way!
Introducing Gary Henshaw - Support Team
I want to get involved in this challenge for a number of different reasons - Whilst at university, a friend from back home lost his father to MND, so I was exposed relatively early in life to how devastating the disease is, and at a time when very little was known about it. More recently, a friend and fellow member of a golfing society also succumbed to MND. Taking part in this challenge is a fitting way to remember both of them.
Introducing Support Team member - Laurence Smith
One of the biggest challenges of the trip will be making sure I make a real difference but also integrating well with the team, and trying to help with keeping everyone motivated and focussed. Also getting a couple of people in the team to learn the Welsh word for sheep!
Introducing Mel Royles - Support team
I have followed Doddies story since he signed his book for me at the Wigtown book festival, and have always been keen to be involved in doing something positive for the cause. Keeping Doddies memory alive through the support and science that can be generated from the work of the Doddie Weir foundation helps maintain the foundation’s purpose, raise awareness and honour Doddies legacy in the fight against MND.
Introducing our next cyclist - Sean Hadden
I think the hardest part of this challenge will be after a few days once the fatigue starts to hit. Getting back on the bike will become tough and the body will ache. Also recently the weather has been terrible so the chances of high winds or heavy rain seems high so that’ll be very tough. No matter what though it is nothing compared to what those with MND have to go through so we will keep pushing.
Introducing Tom Chambers - Cyclist
There will be lots of challenging aspects of this ride, physically it is very demanding, having to do three or four stints a day over 9 days. But I think mentally it will be extremely tough, as we get tired from cycling, staying focused will be a challenge. Meeting all the fantastic supporters on route will help manage this, but also seeing first-hand the impact MND has on people will have an impact emotionally.
Introducing Rob Drury-Dryden - Cyclist
I think there are two key things - I think yes, money. We need to fund the research for MND. We've got to find the cure. That's one thing. But the other is generating engagement and education as well. What we're going to be trying to do is stop regularly at rugby clubs and schools and other communities on the route to just spread the word. We want to create an understanding of not just what we're doing, but what can be done to help those suffering from MND. So that's a really, really important part of it.
Introducing our next Cyclist - Michael Farquhar
As I was growing up, I became aware of motor neuron disease. I grew up in a small village in the north of Scotland called Birkhead. There was a guy in the village who was friendly with my dad and who just had the same sort of slow progressive immobility, then becoming wheelchair bound and we did a fundraiser back then. It just struck me when I became more aware of Doddie, that nothing much had changed really in that time. This MND is not necessarily incurable, it's just under invested in.
Introducing John Mountford - Support Team
I wanted to do this because I really quite like cycling, although I'm getting to an age where I can't do what the rest of them do. This is just a great way of putting something back into the Doddie Weir Foundation and raising money. It really is a great one. I'm also doing it to support Ian Barr. I'd like to see how he does and just keep him on his toes so he doesn't slack off.
Introducing Gayle Sheret - Support Team
It is absolutely crucial we keep Doddie’s memory alive. Not only for the player he was, but for the decision he made to fight MND for others. Without everyone's fundraising efforts - whether that be through cycling challenges, Doddie Aid, individual sponsored challenges - without these funds, the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation simply wouldn't exist. Without the Foundation, there would not be funds available for MND research projects.
Introducing Craig Adam - Cyclist
Through Rugby, I met up with Doddie a couple of times. He's always been a player that I admired from a young age. The awareness that he's brought to this cause is incredible. I mean, it's such a debilitating disease, and it has brought home a few things. I don't have anybody in my family who suffers from MND, but my aunt passed away from Huntington's disease, which is again a severe debilitating disease.
Let’s Do Something Really Daft (Eh we mean Amazing)
Welcome the first of our tales from the Road to Rome, the blog that will follow the journey of the Dodd1e’5 G4and S7am Team as the prepare for an epic journey from Murrayfield, via Dublin, Cardiff, London, Paris a little stop off in Monaco then reaching Rome.