Introducing Roger Baird - Ambassador & Cyclist

Who are you ( name, age, where you come from) 

Roger Baird, 63, Edinburgh but originally Kelso.

What is your background? 

Played rugby for Kelso, Scotland and Lions

Why did you want to get involved in this challenge? 

Was a friend of Doddie and have been fundraising on MND’s behalf since he was diagnosed.

How long have you been cycling? 

15 years

What do you think will be the most challenging aspect of the trip? 

The cold!!

How important is it that we keep Doddie's memory alive? 

Massive, because if we do, we kick MND into touch and along the way we get better outcomes for those poor folk afflicted by this terrible disease.

How important is it that we continue to raise funds for DODDIE AID? 

For all the above and because Doddie was one of the best.

What has been the most inspirational aspect of this challenge so far for you? 

The utter dedication of those Welsh and Scottish organisers of this ride, who have day jobs but have committed all of their spare time to making this a huge success, chapeau, my friends!!

What, ultimately, do you want to come out of this? 

Raise a shed load of cash, raise a glass to Doddie and enjoy my time with this incredible group of people.


Introducing Co-Captain - Rob Boyns


Introducing Ben Glenister - Mechanic