Introducing Garry Sheret - Support Team

Who are you ( name, age, where you come from)

Garry Sheret, 57, from Dalkeith

What is your background?

I was dragged up in Dalkeith, left for East Lothian and have now returned to my home town.  I’m a QS to trade but have been involved in development work for the last few decades!  I’ve enjoyed a lot of sports in my life from rugby, swimming, football but mainly sprinting – until my knees gave up.  I now have two titanium knees but still “enjoy” the gym daily.

Why did you want to get involved in this challenge?

I was involved in last year’s Doddie ride from Cardiff to Murrayfield, and could not pass up the opportunity to get involved once again on this completely bonkers but very important awareness raising charity event for the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation.

How long have you been cycling?

I’m not a cyclist on this event but can’t help but admire the hours dedicated by those who are.

What do you think will be the most challenging aspect of the trip?

For my sins I’m involved in trying to keep the whole trip on schedule.  Knowing those involved, trying to get them to listen to “you must get cycling NOW” will definitely become a challenge by day 9!

How important is it that we keep Doddie's memory alive?

It’s essential.  He was such a great character when he was with us, hopefully we can continue to keep his memory at the forefront of everyone’s thoughts when they think of the great things he achieved in his battles on and off the pitch.  Stoke the legend.

How important is it that we continue to raise funds for the MND Foundation?

Without support from the Foundation, the research in combating this awful disease will continue, but it needs support to gain momentum and ensure the mightily impressive research specialists quickly find the solutions and cures they seek.

What has been the most inspirational aspect of this challenge so far for you?

The enthusiasm of all those involved, giving up their own time willingly for such a great cause; the hard graft by the cyclists preparing for the event; the support from the sponsors and donors along the way; and hearing the fantastic feedback from the raising awareness visits to schools resulting it them now taking an active part in the fundraising 😊

What, ultimately, do you want to come out of this?

Raising awareness of why we are doing this daft challenge and raising loads of dosh for such a deserving charitable foundation bearing the great, Doddie, name.


Introducing Paul Moore - Cyclist


Introducing Luke Schultz - Cyclist